Hello and welcome, my name is Catherine and this is my story of how I dealt with and beat breast cancer.
This blog was created for any woman who is starting treatment and looking for answers to the hundreds of questions flying through your head, or indeed for anyone who has been effected by cancer. I am hoping reading this will help
It started with me as an acute pain in my left breast which had also grown in size. A visit to my GP was the first step; having found no lump my GP arranged an appointment with the breast clinic for an examination as a precautionary measure. The doctor at the breast clinic also found no lump but decided to send me for a mammogram to find out what was causing the pain. I have to say at this point a mammogram is not a pleasant ordeal especially if you are already feeling tender but the test can be a life saver and only takes about 30 seconds per boob. My mammogram was scheduled for 10 o'clock in the morning and I was back in work by 11 o'clock. That same afternoon I received a phone call from the hospital asking if I could return the following day for an ultrasound as something had showed up from the mammogram. The rest of that day my mind was working overtime as to what could be wrong? There is no sign of a lump so what is happening?
I returned to the hospital the following day and had the ultrasound and was told the doctors meet and discuss all tests on Friday morning so an appointment was made for me to meet my doctor Friday afternoon to discuss the results of my tests.
The Results
Friday afternoon I was taken into an interview room with the doctor and a nurse and given the news I was dreading but strangely knew so my reaction was one of calm acceptance. I had breast cancer, the reason no lump was detected was because there was a cluster of tumors the size of my breast so I am thankful to this day that all doctors involved decided to go ahead with the testing.

You see at this stage you are not thinking of the thousands of other women sharing the same experience as you and why would you! Its not until you start treatment and see how many people are in the same boat, young, old, men and women, you realize you are not a victim. As it turns out God did give me a break, the cancer had not travelled any further.
I now had to start preparing for my treatment to begin; the chemotherapy would mean hair loss so I went and had my hair cut short, bought a wig and some bandannas. I have to add if I was to do it again I would not have wasted my money on a wig, it is so uncomfortable and you are always afraid of it blowing off on a windy day even thought it is a tight fit. No, wigs are not for me thank you I always felt self conscious when I was wearing it.